Thursday 18 July 2013

Single Serve Coffee Maker Reviews: Facts And Information

What is Coffee? Coffee is a beverage made by grinding roasted coffee beans and allowing hot water to pass through them. Global innovations made producers create an easy way to serve coffee, when its full aromatic flavors can be best appreciated.

Traditionally, coffee is prepared by boiling coffee grounds with water. Coffee pots are designed with the purpose of trying to trap the coffee grounds before the coffee is poured.

By 1710, the Infusion process is introduced in France. Enclosed inside a linen bag, the ground coffee is submersed in hot water and let it steep until the desired strength is achieved.

The milieu of inventions introduced their updated versions of making coffee over the years. Bunn introduced the first commercial auto drip coffeemaker in 1963. After 9 years, home-used automatic drip brewers came into existence.

Ever wonder why with all the history? Our view of history shapes the way we view the present. Our ignorance of the past is not the result of a lack of information, but of indifference. Try to read more single serve coffee maker reviews so that you can really achieve what is best for your coffee needs.

Single serve coffee maker is a technological advancement among the line of automatic coffee machines where a touch of a button can serve you with a good cup of hot beverage.

These single serve coffee makers come in 4 types. All using its unique patented brewing technology- Keurig K Cups, Tassimo T Discs, Senseo Coffee Pods, and Nespresso Capsules.

These state of the art single serve brewers cannot just brew a perfect cup of coffee but delivers a cuppa tea and hot choco, too!

Moving towards innovative advancements and competitiveness, these one-cup convenient machines have almost the same key components. The no-mess in grinding coffee beans, no-waste unused coffee, no-clean-up process from loading grounds in the coffee filter are designed from their patented pre-measured coffee beans- k cups, t discs, coffee pods and capsules.

The best single cup coffee maker for one person may not be a champ for another. One might prioritize the most convenient feature, while the other would prefer the most stylish ones.

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